Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pioneer Primary Activity

Our annual primary activity was a success! The pioneer theme was so much fun. It was funny asking people if they had any pioneer clothes or items. I kept getting weird looks and the vibe that "this isn't Utah!" We got just enough items for our museum though. About 30 children attended, and I think they all had a great time learning and playing. That might have been the first time some of the children were exposed to pioneer day, besides the primary songs. I have a lot of respect and love for our pioneer ancestors. They are a great example to us today and I hope to be like them.
 testing out the cowboy hat

 spoon and egg relay. Todd was very careful

 potato sack race. While preparing for the activity, Claire and Todd loved hopping around the house in them

 pioneer museum

 photo booth. Props were a cat and dog, bonnet and cowboy hat. No one had a handcart or wagon wheel, so we bought a wheel at Atwoods
 I spy sheet for the museum. Claire said she found all of the items

 They learned a pioneer song from the primary children's songbook and role played what pioneer children did

 The missionaries talked about pioneers and showed a video from

 Button whirligigs or buzzers. The kids loved making these. They are very much like fidget spinners. They could also wear them around their neck as a necklace.
 It was fun getting buttons from Amazon, Hobby Lobby and Michael's. The sew-ology brand ones from Hobby Lobby were my favorite. They came in packs of 6, were beautiful colors, some were shiny, almost metallic, and they have a nice weight to them. I just used cotton string that I've used to crochet along the edge of burp clothes and blankets.