Thursday, September 26, 2013


So when infants begin to walk they become toddlers and Claire is becoming just that. She is obsessed with trying on shoes and relocating them. Sometimes she’ll get really upset about something that I think isn’t a big deal, or I have no idea what made her upset. For example, the other day we were eating pizza together and when I tore her piece in half she freaked out. She figured out how to take the outfit off of her baby doll and likes to cuddle with it and carry it around. She is already showing signs of being a good helper. She’ll hand me the silverware one at a time so I can put them in the drawer, while I was making dinner she peeled the wrappers off of several bouillon cubes, handed me the cubes, and threw away the wrappers, and the last time I folded the laundry she was able to put her pants away in her own little drawer. I’m lucky that she still gives good hugs and cuddles. That’s when I like to rub my cheek against her warm, fuzzy head and give her kisses. Infant or toddler, we love you Claire!

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