Sunday, March 22, 2015

Why did the road runner cross the road?

Because church was over! That's right. Today as we were walking out to the car we saw some of our friends trying to scare a road runner out from their vehicle. It didn't want to be shoo'ed away but it was eventually convinced not to stay in the parking lot.

In other news about animals this week, Claire ate a mouse. It was delicious. It was essentially a funny shaped Oreo bonbon/cake ball with almond sliver ears. We celebrated spring break by going out to one of our favorite restaurants in the middle of the week. How crazy is that! Going out in the middle of the week.

Todd now has two teeth, but they seem to be camera shy. We've started him on some solids which he has really enjoyed. He has also perfected rolling over and has learned that he can be semi-mobile by rolling around. He also likes to sing. Today at church he seemed to want to add a new verse to every song we sang. He added especially vigorous singing during just about every prayer. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the update ..., but eating a mouse? ;) Love ya all!
