Sunday, April 24, 2016

Staying home

Once again we are trying to stay away from people due to sickness. Sometimes it's nice just to stay home, even if you aren't feeling amazing. 
 I usually try to have all of us take naps at the same time, but this day Claire was in her room, I fell asleep on my bed and then I found Todd asleep in his old bouncy.
 Movie time!

 We love watching Cinderella!
 Our newest find: a water table that looks like a boat. It looks like some things are missing on it, but it holds water just fine! Todd and Claire volunteered to help me scrub it clean. They're awesome like that. We'll get many hours of play out of it this summer.

 We also found this Little People house. It was a lot harder to clean, but worth it in the end. I know Todd and Claire will get many hours of play out of it. I'm surprised how many little plastic dolls we have the fit in it.

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