Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Staying Busy

 Every once in while I get out the washi tape and some markers for the kids to create with.

 Of course these pictures are blurry. Skyler had fun attaching his belt to a diaper box and pulling Todd around. Unfortunately Todd was so happy that when we had to stop and put him to sleep, he was very, very unhappy!

 Another cardboard creation, a puppet theater. Claire and Todd helped me paint it.


 This is our summer reading list. We made a goal to read 200 books, and we're almost there! On top is Pride and Prejudice, which I just finished reading and I watched the long version on Amazon Prime.
 The kids each found something to sit on at the coffee table.

 We got these OU red pom poms in the clearance isle in Walmart. They make good markers to run through as well.

 Todd enjoyed playing with Claire's umbrella for some time.
 I like taking pictures of Skyler reading to the kids. Sometimes I think he's better than I am at reading out loud! And who doesn't like getting cuddles with daddy?
 The kids recently discovered that this little house has an on switch and that certain buttons and things make noise. You'd think it was Christmas morning the way they were playing with it!

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