Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Todd is walking!!!

I don't have a picture of it, but Todd is taking so many steps! His average is about six steps before falling down and he's constantly practicing around the house. I love to look at his face and celebrate with him whenever he takes those steps. He also screams and growls a lot because he can't talk yet, but he is super cute most of the time. He has a passion for bikes. We went to a friend's house and was all over their radio flyer bike where the pedals can fold into the wheel so he can scoot with his feet. He's also getting more teeth. I love my little baby boy!

 Another successful Friend magazine recipe
 Sometimes Claire will ask if she can type at the computer. We use this as an opportunity for her to find letters and be allowed to do something she normally can't because we're hogging the computer!
 I spy some red leaves!
 Completely out.
 We are trying a ballet class with a small group of friends. I was excited to find this Disney princess ballet bag and tutu at a thrift store. I was also happy that we could get her ballet shoes, and mine for the wedding at the same time to take advantage of a BOGO half off sale.
 The tunnel at the park.

 Sometimes Claire wants to be a baby too, hence the blanket in her hand.
These are a collection of Halloween cards from over the years. They always bring a smile to my face.

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