Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Yogurt makes great hair gel!

 As I was putting Todd down for a nap, I noticed there was still some yogurt in his hair from the lunch we just ate. I tried to wipe it out with my hand and, tah dah!, a cute little hairdo.
 Recently we've been giving Todd a board book to read before he goes to sleep. Sometimes I'll read it to him first and then hand it to him.
 This boy has been obsessed with our broom closet. Probably because he's figured out how to open and close doors now. Thankfully I know that I rinse the mop out really well, otherwise I wouldn't let him play with it. I bought the little dust pan for him. He and Claire have no problem dusting or sweeping and get way excited when I mop!

 An excuse to use her rain boots and umbrella

 Claire in her ballet class!

 More yogurt, please!

 We go through many bibs, clothes and wipes. But he loves feeding himself. I just have to remind myself that it's nice that I don't have to feed him baby food, one little spoonful at a time!
While I'm in the kitchen, Todd will often use this basket as a little chair, which is just the right size for him! He ran off before I could snap a picture of him sitting on it.

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