Monday, January 30, 2017

I've been sewing

 Just when I think the kids lose interest in something, and I'm thinking about shoving it in the closet for awhile, they rediscover it. Puppet show time!

 My little Chase from Paw Patrol

 Cinderella discovered some flowers

 The kids love play doh. I let them add sparkles to this batch.
 I had to share this old toy set that they recently pulled out. It reminds me of the boat and people at Grandma Arave's house, plus the fact that it's a children's hospital with a bunch of little accessories is so cute!

 This is my neighbor reading to her daughter.
 It took way longer than I expected to do a blanket stitch around the ears.
 I ended up making these cute dinosaurs the most because they were the easiest to make with the most pleasing results.
 This little bird was a bit of a fail, but I learned from it.

 Claire loves her colored pencils from Grandma Hebdon. She's been coloring with them for days now and using her Ed Emberly books a lot too.

 This is what her letters look like right now. We've learned up to the letter "P" and she's constantly practicing finding them on signs, food labels and shirts!
 I call her Mama Bear. I gave her to Claire to be her pal when she had a cold because she's so soft!
 Todd playing the Fish Game is very entertaining

 Sticker activity books helped keep the kids busy during our week of sickness!

 Todd loves having Skyler to pretend he's a giant garbage truck dumping Todd. I caught Todd pretending to be Dad and he was "dumping" a baby doll over his head with his feet.

 My neighbor is having twins and I gave these to her this weekend at her baby shower. Claire went with me and we won pink nail polish, got to see the ultrasounds, ate the richest cake, and made hair bows for the babies.

 "p" is for puzzles! Todd was pretty good about letting me help him put together several puzzles. Claire was able to do them on her own. I taught her how to find the corners, edges and then look for clues for the rest.

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